farmSPEC remains in the forefront of product development in the plant nutrition and soil fertility business with its range of highly sought after coating and beneficiated raw material products. Supplying Manufactures and Blenders globally has catapulted farmSPEC as a leader in natural raw material additives and coatings capable of converting some of the large commodities such as Urea and MAP into far more efficient versions, thereby saving costs and getting far better results for its clients.
A farmSPEC revolutionary, organic coating adhesive used to attach necessary TE’s (Trace Elements) and MM’s (Micronised Multimicro’s) in micronised powder formats to fertilizer granules. Successfully applied over many years world-wide in coating and binding processes, Carbo-Bond is both efficient and has added value properties beneficial to Agricultural Plant Nutrition and crop enhancement.
In addition to its capability to coat fertilizer products, Carbo-Bond will ensure a constant supply of nutrients through the season and is known to increase the maximum growth potential of most crops, with input cost savings to the farmer. Its “green house properties” will achieve all of this without adversely affecting the soil, water or atmospheric environment.
The benefits of attaching your MM’s (Micronised Multimicro’s) or other micronised products such as Zinc Sulphate to fertilizer granules using
Carbo-Bond, is that it is long lasting, does not penetrate the granule and does not weaken it in any way.
Derived from one of nature’s most renewable resources it is an excellent source of calcium, sulphur, sugar acids and organic carbons all in a soluble form. In liquid form it is easy to transport and can be easily supplied to the fertilizer blending process. Application rates vary in relation to fertilizer types and blends and careful attention should be paid to advice offered by the farmSPEC technical team before applying Carbo-Bond.
The product is readily available in Liquid tankers or in 1000/litre flo-bins. Careful planning of your order requirements with the Vip sales department is essential to avoid any shortages over the blending season. Should any Blender not be in a position to coat their own products, coated products can be supplied from the farmSPEC coating facility in KZN, South Africa.